Payday Loan Singapore

Get Instant Cash With Payday Loan

It’s one week until payday, yet you are running out of cash and you still have more bills to pay. If you are living paycheck to paycheck, it’s extremely difficult to budget your money and still have some cash left before the next payday. If this has been a repeating cycle for you every month, it’s time to look at your finances and consider other options. One option is to get a payday loan.

A payday loan caters to people who needs immediate cash without sacrificing their current monthly expenditure. Even if you don’t want to be in debt, sometimes you have to consider a loan because you will need cash to pay on unexpected expenses such as repairs, tuition fees, medical emergencies, death in the family, travel fees, or food. To be sure that you get the most out of your payday loan, you must apply for one with a trusted moneylender.

At Magnus Credit Pte Ltd, we understand the tough situation you are in and we want to relieve yourself from any financial burden. Thus, we make things easier for you by providing a loaning process that is free from stress. You no longer have to worry about unpaid bills or sudden expenses because you can simply take out a payday loan from us and pay it on the following month.

Needing cash is stressful enough, so we make your application straightforward, simple, and easy to follow. We also know that you may have a hard time understanding some terms. Never worry though, because our team is committed to assisting you with any concerns or inquiries that you may have. The approval process won’t take long and before you know it, you have the money in your hands.

Unlike other companies, we provide you with the exact amount that you have to pay back. There are no hidden fees and surprise charges. In addition, our interest rates are guaranteed to be competitive compared to other Singapore moneylenders.

If you are busy with work and family and you fear that you might forget to pay the loan, do not worry. Our staff will remind you of your repayment schedule.

When you take out a payday loan from in Magnus Credit Pte Ltd, you have the option to customize it according to your needs. We can open any amount as long as you assure us that you will pay back on the set date. If you want to take out a payday loan now, you can do the following: fill out an application form in our website, text us your application details, or visit our office. It’s that simple.

To make you payday loan application faster and hassle-free, we advise that you follow the mandatory requirements below:

  • You must be at least 21 years old and above to apply.
  • Latest Bills (E.g. phone bills, internet broadband bill, cable TV bills , utility bills).
  • NRIC or Passport.
  • The last three months of your payslip.
  • A proof of billing with your residential address.
  • For Self-Employed applicants: The most recent printout of your ACRA.

In conclusion, if you are looking for a payday loan, licensed moneylender in Singapore or personal loan, contact us today and we will recommend your best options.


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